divendres, 10 de novembre del 2017


What is the Paris climate agreement?
The deal unites all the world's nations in a single agreement on tackling climate change for the first time in history. 
However, scientists point out that the Paris accord must be stepped up if it is to have any chance of curbing dangerous climate change.
The most key element in the Paris climate argeement is to limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to the same levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally.
Money has been a sticking point throughout the negotiation, because the poor countries say that they need a financal and technological help. The deal says wealthy countries should continue to provide financial support for poor nations to cope with climate change and encourages other countries to join in on a voluntary basis.
Finally, the pact promises to make an assessment of progress in 2018, with further reviews every five years.

In my opinion, I think that this agreement is very important for the future of the world, because if we don't respect de climate, the climate change will get worse. If all countries respect this agreement we will progress the climate change.

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