dimarts, 29 de novembre del 2016

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was born in New York on 14th June of 1946. He is a buisnessman, politician, televison personality and a writer.
Recently he won the presidential elections in the USA and he will become the next president after Obama.
He has been married three times and he has got several children amd grandchildreren.
He has  been criticized for his comments about women and immigrants during his campany.

dijous, 24 de novembre del 2016

FREE POST: Homework

Nowadays in the high school some teachers give a lot of homework.
We go to high school for six hours and we spend a lot of time in the afternoon doing homework or studying for exams.
Sometimes the teachers give homework and they don't think that  we had others subjects.
Also we spend time in the afternoon doing activities and sports, we often go to the bet late because we have to do a project or study for an exam.
In my opinion I think that the teachers should give homework but not so much.

dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2016


Last month I saw a horror film called "Nunca apagues la luz" or in english "Lighs Out". 
This film is about Rebecca who is haunted by Diana, a strange being who can only attack in the darkness. Diana's spirit has to do with Rebecca's mother. Now that Rebecca is an adult and Diana haunts her little brothet Martin. 
After Diana attacks all the family at the mother's house the mother commits suucide so that Diana will also die and in this way the family will be free.