dijous, 30 de març del 2017

News: Animals in Peru

The other news is an issue what happens around the world, but in this case it is about Peru. 
A group of people selling animals in catalogues and on public roads, in terrible conditions, have been arrested and inside the house found 100 animals and 40 of them are puppies.

When I said before that happens around the world, I meant that abandoning and mistreating animals is frequent.
I believe in reincarnation and I have always thought that we will become aminals, you like to have a miserable life and suffering. Therefore, if you do not look capable of caring for a pet directly don't buy a pet.
I just want to say that the animals never will hurt, you either.


dijous, 16 de març del 2017


a) General Plane

b)American Plane

c) Middle Plane

d) Medium short Plane

e) Foreground

f) Very foreground

g) Detail Plane


On TV, especially Tele5 there are a lot of TV programmes which are rubbish. One example is Supervivientes it is about a group of people who try to survive in Honduras. They survivers by fishing, making a fire... and every Tuesday they have a tast for a reward that can be food or materials to do something.

The survivor that wins gets 400.000 euros and becomes famous and now young people belive they are the best.
Another programme is Gran Hermano or Salvame that at the beginning of the year people voted to eliminate this channel, but this is Spain.  Other channels that show TV Rubbish are Antena3, MTV...

My opinion on this subject is that the young people like it. I watch these programmes but at the same time I’m watching stupied people , because they don’t know how to express themselves and they talk a lot but about nothing in particular.


This news talks about human tower, Catalan culture which makes me excited as this is my land.
The news says that on 26 October celebrated the competition which is held every two years and that they attended thousands of people. 
Also explain how it works and some teams that participated and finally say who was the winner.

Always is nice to acknowledge effort and passion they put into doing it simultaneously, not just here but around the world.
I think and I hope people around the world respect the culture like other because it is from the 18th century that it's celebrate.
To sum up I would like the "castellers" to grow up more and all the people should respect it as a sport, because the strength and skill is needed.
In conclusion my land is the best one.


1 Why exactly is this film (and the book it was based upon) called "The Shining"?
Because the boy has a paranormal power.

2 What exactly happened to Jack? Why is he in that picture at the end of the movie?
Jack became crazy. Became he also worked in that hotel

3 Who hurt Danny after his visit to room 237?
Jack was who hurt Danny

4 After saying that he would sell his soul for just one beer, Jack looks up and greets the barman Lloyd. Since this was Jack's first time at the hotel, how could he have known the barman's name?

Because he alse worked in that hotel

5 Who or what is actually possessing the Overlook Hotel? Also, why do the said possessors want to drive Jack Torrance insane?
Suart Ullman

6 What is the significance of the man in the Chipmunk costume with the man in tuxedo seen by Wendy in the bedroom ? What are they supposed to be doing?
I sopouse that the man in the Chimpunk costume is a ghost and he is a "bitch"

7 "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is supposed to be scary, but I don't understand. Why is it scary and what does it mean?
If you work a lot and you don't lose time doing anything you will be a important person, Jack don't wants that his son was a failed

8 Who is Tony?

Tony is the double personality of Danny, he knows the future

9 We see Jack in the picture at the end of the film which was painted in 1921 which I guess means that Nicholson was either possessed or reincarnated...but does anyone have a definite answer? Or does Kubrick just want us to decide for ourselves?

I think that Jack is a rencarnation of the murder of the hotel, for this reason the history repeats.

10 Who is the old woman in room 237 and what is her significance?

I think that is a imagination of Danny for teach his mother to the hotel is dangerous

11 Does Danny's ability to "shine" have any connection to Jack's insanity and the events that occur in the hotel?
I think that the ability of Danny has a connection with Jack because Tony allways knows what Jack will do

12 If Jack is a reincarnation, how does he not know Danny possesses the shining? The other ghosts, such as Delbert Grady, who have always been there, can see Danny's talent. If Jack has always been there, how come he can't see what Grady sees?

Because Jack doesn't have the "shine"


Where are you from?
Im from United States
Is it the fisrt time that you are in spain?
Why are you in Girona?
Bescause i think that is a beautiful city
How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
I came here by plane
How long are you stay here?
Like 2 weeks
Are you traveling with family or friends?
I am traveling alone
What have you visited up you now?
I have visited the ctahedral,bridges...
Do you now any words in Catalan or Spanish?
Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Yes, I tried paella
Do you see any differences from your country?
Yes it's so diffeerent

dimarts, 14 de març del 2017


In this picture we can see a very famous actor hugging a swan. This actor is Leonardo Di Caprio. In the baackground we can see field. He is on the right of the image. He is wearing a black jersey. His hair is short and wavy. The photo is black and white. He seems unhappy and thoughtful. The swam is wrapped arround his neck. The animal is real and it isn't dead or drugged. The people think that swon is behaving this way because Di Caprio loves animals.

In my opinion I like this photo very much because it is black and white amd I prefer them to coloured ones. Di Caprio is a good actor and I like the swans too. This photographer has taken a lot of photographs of other famous people such as John Lennon, Michel Jackson, Queen Elisabeth and Miley Cyrus to name a few.

dijous, 9 de març del 2017


Last June, people unveiled a statue of Lionel Messi in Buenos Aires, and just this week, vandals removed its head and torso.
City officials say that work is already underway to repair the statue, but the sports star’s legs and football are all that remain at the moment.
This was not the first time that a statue on the Paseo de la Gloria was vandalisedpreviously, someone stole a tennis racket from a statue of Gabriela Sabatini on the same street.

I think that what they have done is wrong because if you don't like something (in this case Messi, you don't have to go to destroy his statue. If you don't like Lionel Messi you have to respect him and his things.